Aisha Affini (she/her)
Joining the: Hird Lab
Undergraduate University: University of Connecticut
Fun Fact: My current favorite animals are cows. I've never seen one I didn't like!
Contact: aisha.affini@uconn.edu

Kyle Paist (he/him)
Joining the: Bolnick Lab
Undergraduate University: Southern New Hampshire University
Fun Fact: I love bats, and my favorite animal is a flying fox.
Contact: kwp19001@uconn.edu

Scott Forbes (he/him)
Joining the: Campellone Lab
Undergraduate University: Eastern Connecticut State University
Fun Fact: I have my boat captains license and have taken boats through the Panama Canal.
Contact: gar24003@uconn.edu

Ethan Ni (he/him)
Joining the: Yuan Lab
Undergraduate University: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fun Fact: I studied jazz in college and have played the saxophone for 12 years!
Contact: pjj24004@uconn.edu

Kristyn Hatley (she/her)
Joining the: Santiago-Martínez Lab
Undergraduate University: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fun Fact: I love scary movies and reading mystery books!
Contact: ske24003@uconn.edu

Airianna McGuire (she/her)
Joining the: Wegrzyn Lab
Undergraduate University: Ohio State University
Fun Fact: I have lots of cool and unique pets, such as an axolotl, a tree frog, a newt, a tarantula, and many fish. I have a dachshund, and two cats, too!
Contact: xmn24004@uconn.edu

Elena Foust (she/her)
Joining the: Heyduk Lab
Undergraduate University: Costal Carolina University
Fun Fact: I manage an underground alternative punk rap artist based in Charlotte, NC.
Contact: leq24004@uconn.edu

Hailey Baranowski (they/them)
Joining the: Jockusch Lab
Undergraduate University: University of Connecticut
Fun Fact: I collect honey from all around the world!
Contact: hailey.baranowski@uconn.edu

Mary Rutter (she/her)
Joining the: O'Neill Lab
Undergraduate University: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fun Fact: Over the winter I crocheted a blanket that was made up of 55,000 stitches and took about 35 hours to create!
Contact: vxd24001@uconn.edu

Robin Smith (she/her)
Joining the: Hanlon Lab
Undergraduate University: University of Connecticut
Fun Fact: In my free time, I like to sit by the water and read or crochet.
Contact: robin.2.smith@uconn.edu

Nataly Vargas (she/her)
Joining the: Milligan-McClellan Lab
Undergraduate University: Hobart William Smith Colleges
Fun Fact: Summer 2023, I did a road trip from LA to NY.
Contact: bbt24002@uconn.edu
2023 - 2024 RaMP Cohort
Meridia Jane Bryant
Standardizing the Search for Taxon Restricted Genes with RAVeN
Meridia was a scholar in the Jockusch Lab where she worked to create a bioinformatics program called RaVEN (Recover And Verify Novelty) to identify novel or unique genes in clades or species. Prior to RaMP, she attended the University of Kansas.
Fall 2024, Meridia will be starting her Ph.D at Cornell University.
Fun Fact: Outside of the lab, I play violin! I'm mostly self-taught and have about 8 months experience as of August.
Contact: meridia_jane.bryant@uconn.edu
Learn more about her research:
Asher Coello
Exploring the Function of Novel and Conserved Genes using Hemipterans
Asher is a scholar in the Jockusch Lab where he studies the genetic novelty in Hemipterans. He used a bioinformatic pipeline and functional analysis to test the hypothesis that novel genes contribute either novel or conserved traits. Prior to RaMP, he attended the University of Connecticut.
Currently, Asher is continuing his research on the Jockusch Lab and plans to apply to the GRFP.
Fun Fact: I was in the circus in Peru for a day.
Contact: asher.coello@uconn.edu
Listen to Asher's Story Collider,presented at the 2024 Evolution
Conference in Montreal, Quebec Canada:
Learn more about Asher's research:
Samuel Hilliman
Molecular Manipulation of Flower Coloration using RTO, CYCLOIDEA, and PELAN in Mimulus parishii
Samuel was a scholar in the Yuan Lab where he studied the molecular basis of flower coloration in monkeyflowers. Prior to RaMP, he attended the University of Connecticut.
During Summer 2024, Samuel was a scholar in UConn's TIP Innovation Fellowship Program where he worked with QCDx, a startup company whose goals are to design technologies to detect cancer cells in blood circulation.
Fun Fact: In my spare time, I like to sew and make dresses for my nieces!
Contact: samuel.hilliman@uconn.edu
Learn more about Samuel's research:
Sam Pring
A Flower’s Reflection: Transgenic Expression Investigates the Functional Evolution of CYCLOIDEA in Angiosperms
Sam was a scholar in the Yuan Lab where he researched the influence of CYCLOIDEA(CYC) and CYC-like genes in flower symmetry. Prior to RaMP, he attended Bucknell University.
Fall 2025, Sam will be starting his Ph.D at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Fun Fact: Having spent 2 summers collecting and studying fireflies, I can identify different species from just their flashes.
Contact: samuel.pring@uconn.edu
Learn more about Sam's research:
Jennifer Santiago Membreño
Investigating the Effects of Increased Progenitor Cell Proliferation on Cortical Development
Jennifer is a scholar in the Kanadia Lab where she studies the role of the minor spliceosome in microcephaly and cortical development. Prior to RaMP, she attended the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez.
Currently, Jennifer is continuing her research in the Kanadia Lab. In the future, she aspires to go to medical school.
Fun Fact: I enjoy sewing, knitting, and learning new crafts.
Contact: jennifer.santiago_membreno@uconn.edu
Aviel Rodriguez
Investigating the Evolution of Karyotype in Muntjacs
Aviel was a scholar in the O’Neill Lab where he used comparative genomic techniques to study the stability (or speed) of chromosome evolution across marsupials. Prior to RaMP, he attended the University of Puerto Rico Bayamon.
Post RaMP Aviel aspires to attend medical school.
Fun Fact: I like reading and I also play soccer.
Contact: aviel.rodriguez@uconn.edu
Adam Glendening
Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) genomics for Hemlock Conservation
Adam is a scholar in the Wegrzyn Lab where their research focused on publishing the Hemlock woolly adelgid genome, an invasive insect threatening the survival of Eastern & Carolina hemlock trees. Their research is in association with a larger multi-omics project working towards eastern hemlock conservation. Prior to RaMP, they attended the University of Connecticut.
Currently, Adam is continuing their research in the Wegrzyn Lab.
Fun Fact: I love foraging edible plants & fungi!
Contact: adam.glendening@uconn.edu
Carolina Jara
Conservation of the American Beech Tree (Fagus grandifolia): Identification of Candidate Genes for Beech Bark Disease Resistance
Carolina was a scholar in the Wegrzyn Lab where she used genomics to identify target genes for the conservation of beech trees. Beech bark disease poses a major threat to the survival of beech trees in the eastern United States, Canada and Europe. Prior to RaMP, she attended the University of Connecticut.
Carolina currently works as a teaching assistant and is interested in long term positions in regulatory affairs or quality control.
Fun Fact: You can always catch me going to concerts.
Contact: carolina.jara@uconn.edu